The Prophet- An ode to Padma Barkataki

For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one-Kahlil Gibran.

With profound grief and sorrow we had to bid final adieu to our dear borta, Padma Barkataki (Xoontida). A noble soul with high values and unique literary skills, he almost revolutionized the trend of Assamese literature with Manor Dapon.

The best impression of borta that I have is of a human being with such positive energy who could inspire others to achieve higher deeds in life. An individual with a strong will power who never let any frustration or hurdle come in the way of his passion-writing. Hailing from Baligaon in Jorhat, which still lacks a decent road, and without support from anyone, it’s really amazing that an individual could achieve so much success in life through sheer hard work. A multifaceted individual who didn’t know what failure is, he inspired a generation of people through his writings. But for some strange reason the kind of laurels he should have got from the same institutions that he was part of, never came his way. He was a writer of the masses and never tried writing something to please someone or to achieve any award. And never ever did he show his displeasure.

Our last conversation was after he got discharged from the hospital. Such was his spirit at this age-when I asked him how he is feeling; he told me that he is planning a trip to a dhaba next week, although doctors advised him three months of complete reset. After a few days I got to hear that he was again rushed to the hospital. That was the last time I spoke to him. Starting from the early days, he was so happy at every achievement of mine, however small they may be. The only time I felt a tinge of regret in his voice was when he asked me as to why I don’t write once in a while. This piece is inspired by his wish and I think this will be my biggest tribute to him.

A person who was inspired a lot by the philosophy of Kahlil Gibran, I think at his death this quote of Gibran is relevant to me and lot of his admirers ‘A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?’
Dear borta, your philosophy of life embedded with bravery, responsibility and togetherness will be our guiding priciples. Your legacy with always be with us.

Rahul Barkataky
13th March 2008


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