
Showing posts from June, 2011

Connect IT- Success factors for NGO capacity building for use of Information Technology

Speech delivered at the  The  ConnectIT Day",   a conference  on ‘ Harnessing Information Technology for Not for Profits’ , organised and conducted by  NASSCOM Foundation - 2nd June 2011 Thanks for the introduction. Frankly speaking I am not an Information Technology (IT) person. What I will try to do today is speak from my experience of being involved first as a service provider for NGO’s in the IT sphere and second as a receiver and as a consequence a sufferer like many in this room of what IT can do to our lives. I co-founded an organization called MITRA Technology Foundation way back in 2000. As some of you might recall, it was the time when every one prophesided doomsday of the personal computer by the so called Y2K bug. It was also the dot com boom with the bust. We felt that although there was a lot of action happening in the commercial sphere, there was a huge potential to be tapped in the NGO sector. There is a buzz amongst NGOs about leveraging IT for effectivenes